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Our Future

Red Frogs is a student support network that works closely with universities, student accommodation and Greek Life social organizations on campuses around the U.S.

Made up of a bunch of amazing individuals with a heart for young people, we exist to be the fence at the top of the cliff not the ambulance at the bottom.

Red Frogs has been adopted from a support program originating from Australia. In Australia, it’s the largest support network of its kind and has received numerous awards and recognition for its services.

Our mission is to provide a positive peer presence to young people.
We're in the business of changing culture.

#Red Frogs Core Values



As a result of being practical, available and consistent in serving, we are placed in a position of trust with young people. This enables us to walk them through some of the most challenging times of their lives with confidence rather than fear. We take every opportunity to engage in acts of generosity that foster relationship and display genuine care and concern for the lives of others.



Through expecting our actions to meet a standard of excellence we cultivate a culture of responsibility and accountability that promotes transparency. We believe that to display professionalism in our approach, our programs and activities, we equip staff and volunteers by mentoring, training and resourcing to effectively engage in their work with young people.



We recognise that each young person has an innate need for belonging and relationship. Therefore it is our heart to create healthy pathways for young people to have these needs fulfilled. We understand the importance of open communication and collaboration between staff and volunteers, and Red Frog networks - including ‘Friends of the Frog’ - and sponsors and partners. Therefore we highly promote and engage in teamwork and relationship-building activities that enable these processes to happen.

Our Vision: To reduce suffering and safeguard a generation of young people, acting as a positive peer presence to empower them to make positive life choices and become a voice of change within their culture. Learn More.

#Fulfilling our vision statement

At the core of Red Frogs is the heart to provide direct relief from alcohol-and drug-related issues that are known to cause anxiety, suffering, distress and helplessness amongst the youth of our nation. They are the next generation of leaders, business entrepreneurs, teachers, engineers, environmentalists and parents. They are our future. 

Therefore Red Frogs make it their mission to provide direct relief by:

Peer Support

Being a positive peer presence in alcohol-fuelled environments where young people gather.


Educating young people on safe partying behaviours and understanding the consequences of their actions.


Promoting and providing non-alcoholic and/or diversionary activities that engage young people in these environments.


Being a point of referral to professional services.


Providing pastoral care/welfare for young people who are suffering from alcohol abuse, substance abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical harm, self-harm, attempted suicide, or who are otherwise in a state of helplessness.