We understand that being away from home in new surroundings can be difficult for a young person.
Many face developing new friendship groups while also dealing with financial, social and study pressures, all of which are often tough to navigate. That is why the Red Frog University program seeks to journey with students in the midst of this fundamental time of life, and support them with a shoulder to lean on and a positive peer presence.
the Red Frog University program seeks to journey with students in the midst of this fundamental time of life
#What we do
Student Leader Training
Red Frogs want to share our message and help shape culture through equipping the leaders of tomorrow.
We train student leaders at strategic times such as before Welcome Week, working with them to put in harm minimisation strategies for their events and parties, as well as creating momentum with alcohol free alternatives, making them the most popular events in Orientation Week.
Party/Event Support
Our crew provide direct relief in the form of ‘hydration stations’, which allow us to create a controlled and safe space for people to rehydrate with water and icy-poles, chill out and chat with someone. Having a presence in these environments reduces the risk of harmful behaviours and potential incidents.
We work with both university faculties, clubs and societies.
Student Support
Our crew provide students with study and stress relief by visiting colleges/university campuses throughout the semester (and especially in the lead up to exams) to hand out candy, share snacks and play games with students. We find these visits create a friendly atmosphere, build community and provide pastoral care to those feeling overwhelmed, lonely or just needing someone to talk to.
Become Your Besties
We love connecting with students at games nights, pancake cook-ups and other regular events at your college or student residence.